Wednesday 5 November 2014

This morning... kitchen looked like this:

Want a peek at the other end?

Is that really a teddy bear wanting to play Play Dough there? LOL
 In exactly one hour I had it looking like this:

Dishwasher washing, pots and pans washed up, work tops clean and tidy...
 And the other end?

All shopping away, laundry folded, floor swept..

How did I do it? Well, it's simple. I just metaphorically removed the computer from the kitchen. (This is the main reason why I'm not blogging so much. I have a fixed time for computering and this way I find I have much more time around the house for other activities such as decorating, sewing, deep cleaning, baking, cycling...)

Now to fix lunch. Yoo hoo I have some space to work in ; )


Annie said...

I get stuff done by writing a list which I tick or cross out when the job's done!

A.J. said...

Is that Thoryn sitting on the bread-machine? :P

Lady Violet said...

Yup! Tis too. He started to throw the Play Doh around a little too much so I sat him on the bread machine to look at the birds and calm himself down a little.