Thursday 29 January 2015

Blog birthday

My blog was 2 years old on the 26th of January but I was busy doing the holiday post. To celebrate, like last year, I am posting a bunch of photos of purple or lilac things, things that I have come across during the year 2014.

Don't I just love pens and stuff like that!

Straws and blackcurrant tea.

A field full of thistles.

A plastic bag.

Cimbrisor - a herb that A. gave us to beat off our colds in Romania. Here we call it thyme!
Happy birthday, blog


Annie said...

Hot mint tea is good for chasing colds, mint is a natural antibioticšŸ˜ƒ

LSEP said...

And in here we call it figarola (which is also great for colds and sore throats)! Happy birthday blog!