Tuesday 3 February 2015

Montblanc and Siurana

The weekend before last we took my husband's sister and brother-in-law to visit this end of Catalonia. It was a very cold day with a biting north east wind making it difficult to stand still for too long! Having said that, we all had a NICE time. Here are some photos that were taken by E. and D. I actually had my camera with me but only realized this once I had arrived home!

We went first to Montblanc. Montblanc has a rich history, starting even before the Ibearian settlers who came during the 4th to the 1st centuries BC. Apparently, Hannibal came through with all his elephants during this time, on his way to conquer Rome, the year 218 BC. In 711 AD it was invaded by the Moors. There is plain evidence of Roman life from 2 BC to 2 AD. Montblanc has very well preserved medieval buildings and can boast of having had three different names over the course of it's history - first Duesaigues, because it lay between two rivers: the Francolí and it's affluent, the Anguera. It was later called Vilasalva because the villagers were exempt from taxes for a time and, finally, Montblanc which refers to the complete lack of natural vegetation in the area!

The first two photos are from internet, the rest are a selection of the ones D. and E. took.

The main street

Looking up a side alley


We decided on meringues in the end! Mmmm...

The church facade

The legend of St George and the dragon

Apparently, St George killed the dragon right here! Of course, it wasn't paved over then and the rose grew quickly in such rich soil...
From Montblanc we travelled towards Reus and then across to Siurana for an afternoon visit to the dam and then the village. There were some amazing sights to see: rock formations, birds, vegetation and sometimes simply how the pinkish, late afternoon sun shone on everything. Beautiful.

The Siurana Dam - looking right...
...and looking left
Sorry, no bananas for scale - just our Micra!

The road we came along to get up there
Siurana High Street!
The view over the dam - where we were before

Looking back towards the village, 180º turn on where the previous photo was taken

Hope you have enjoyed this as much as we did... The only difference is that you didn't freeze whilst looking at the post! 


Annie said...

Didn't we go there many years ago?

Lady Violet said...

Yes, I remember. It's quite THE place to take people! Only to Montblanc, though. One day when you come we will go see Siurana and surrounding area. Very beautiful. Esp. in the spring or summer.
Hugs to you, Lil Sis. XX

A.J. said...

What a beautiful view! I don't remember the last time I went there... was it with Mannon, the French girl?

I must take Daniel there when we visit! :)