Friday, 31 May 2013

Cooking tip

So that taters in their jackets take less oven time,
mount them on a metal skewer. The heat from the metal cooks them from the inside out at the same time the oven heat is cooking them from the outside in.

Today's lunch, amongst other things.
What do you serve with JACKET potatoes?
Why, BUTTON mushrooms, of course!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Un chiste

Un policía matemático se dirige a un delincuente matemático y le dice:
- Oiga, ha cometido usted un crimen matemático.
- Sí, lo asumo.
- ¡Pues yo lo arresto!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

The wise old owl

 The wise old owl sat in an oak,
And the more he saw the less he spoke.
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Wasn't he a wise old bird!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


As I mentioned in a previous post, Wednesday is our outdoor day, at least for some time during the morning. Today was such a beautiful, clear day so we decided to put on our walking boots and take an easy stroll around. Here are some photos of the area where we live.

We had a great time, the exercise always does good. These are but a few of the photos we took.

This week's "to do" list

# Make breadcrumbs from stale bread
# Cut boys hair
# Sew colour codes in new socks
# Wash kitchen chair covers
# Plant courgettes
# Weed potato patch
# Complete Australia project with M.
# Clean venetian blind in Papa's study

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Clarinet music

Since I was small I have liked the sound of the clarinet. When I was 8 years old I had the opportunity to learn to play this lovely instrument but at the beginning of the first lesson the teacher said "smile", so I did. She then went on to inform me that I wouldn't be able to play correctly as I only had one tooth in the front. This was a big disappointment, as you can imagine.

Since I could not play the instrument myself, I looked for good players to listen to. Acker Bilk has been one of my favourites. Have a listen...

Your the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me by Acker Bilk & His Orchestra on Grooveshark

Some years ago my husband bought me a beautiful clarinet, and my sister gave me a teach yourself book with a C.D. My teeth are in the correct place and all arranged as they should be, but now I have little time to dedicate to learning another instrument seriously. I will, I will...

Lapbook - Catalunya

Aquí hi ha unes fotos d'un lapbook que vam preparar durant el quart curs de primària.

Aquesta és la portada del lapbook.

Primer vam aprendre les comarques de muntanya, després les de costa i per últim les d'interior.

Vereu també un mapa de les províncies i una llista de les universitats principals.

S'obre una altra solapa on hi ha l'himne nacional, detalls sobre el relleu i una llista dels disset rius més importants.

En l'última solapa s'hi troben detalls sobre els quatre climes diferents, una llista de costums i tradicions, els esports més populars, llistes de ports, aeroports i estacions de l'AVE i dades d'interès, com per exemple el nom del president, els idiomes oficials, el nom de la bandera, el punt més elevat, etc.

Monday, 20 May 2013


And God said: "this is the sign of the covenant which I make between me and you [...] I set my rainbow in the cloud [...] It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud."

Genesis 9 : 12 - 14

Y dijo Dios: Esta será la señal del pacto que yo establezco entre mí y vosotros [...] Mi arco he puesto en las nubes [...] Y sucederá que cuando haga venir nubes sobre la tierra, se dejará ver entonces mi arco en las nubes.

Génesis 9 : 12 - 14

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Taddie update

Sad news, I'm afraid. Some other little larvae that resembled a mini prawn have eaten all but three within the last few days. These larvae or little plancton thingummies seemed to have disappeared from the tank but the other day we swished the weed around and noticed that they had appeared again, so they must have been trapped somehow. It's a big disappointment. Many of them were already froglets, with the tiniest, seemingly most delicate legs...

Anyways, we have now cleaned the water and weed up again, thrown the water and all doubtful looking occupants to the turtles and hope for more success for the remaining three :)

Friday, 10 May 2013

Un salmo para aprender

Salmo 100

Cantad alegres a Dios, habitantes de la tierra,
Servid a Jehová con alegría;
Venid ante su presencia con regocijo.

Reconoced que Jehová es Dios;
Él nos hizo, y no nosotros a nosotros mismos;
Pueblo suyo somos, y ovejas de su prado.

Entrad por sus puertas con acción de gracias,
Por sus atrios con alabanza;
Alabadle, bendecid su nombre.
Porque Jehová es bueno; para siempre es su misericordia,
Y su verdad por todas las generaciones.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Resolve. A poem about home work!

Just before my husband and I were married my dear Mummy gave me this poem. It was written by a certain Mrs. B. W. from Clwyd, and published in a weekly magazine that Mum used to buy - The Peoples Friend. "Here you are" said my Mum, casually, "here's some useful advice for you to think about in the future." She smiled as she cut the little piece of paper from her mag. I still have it, all yellowed and well travelled, stuck above the bread machine, on the wall of my kitchen by the small side window. Thank you Mrs. B. W. for your wise words!

Don't grumble about ironing shirts
Love the man who wears them.
Have time for those little tales
Love the child who bears them.
The washing-up piled in the sink
Means everybody's fed
Don't grumble about doing it
Thank the Lord instead.

Twenty-six years later I still find them encouraging.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Educar a casa / Lapbooks

No hi ha cap altra manera millor per aprendre coses, tant pels nens com pels seus pares! Els vaig descobrir fa uns anys i des de llavors, de tant en tant, decidim fer un treball d'aquesta manera. Els nostres treballs els fem en català, castellà o anglès.

Què és un lapbook, estàs preguntant. Literalment vol dir "llibre de falda" i és una manera de presentar un treball de manera que després es pugui mirar amb facilitat tota l'informació que hagis inclòs en el treball. Es fan servir subcarpetes, cartolines i plantilles per presentar cada apartat d'un mateix tema. A veure, potser seria millor que ho expliqui amb fotos...

Aquí tenim la portada d'un treball que vam fer al princípi d'aquest curs sobre la importància d'estar alerta en el món i com ens poden afectar les influencies externes.

Aquesta és la manera més senzilla de preparar un lapbook. La subcarpeta està plegada de manera que en estar tancada les dues extremitats es troben al mig i es poden obrir dues solapes, una cap a l'esquerra i l'altre cap a la dreta. Queda el plec original de la carpeta al mig i al darrera, com si fos la columna vertebral!

Perquè la carpeta quedi una mica més forta i manejable normalment es tapa el plec original amb una cartolina tamany Din A4. En aquest treball hem fet una combinació de verd fosc i taronja sobre una subcarpeta de color verd clar.

Aquesta és la feina que vam enganxar a la solapa de l'esquerra:

Alerta - la definició del diccionari

Alerta - antònim

Versets bíblics - Mateu 24:42, 1 Pere 5:8,

La part central:

Lluc 21:34-36, 2 Corintis 11:14, 2 Corintis 2:11

Alerta! Algunes maneres amb que el diable ens pot atacar:

La nostra actitud vers els problemes.
El contingut del treball i els estudis.
De què riem.
Què expliquen els veïns.
La manera de vestir-nos.
Les pel·lícules que mirem.
Els nostres amics i companys.
Els juguets.
La música que escoltem...

(Això està escrit a l'imprès que sembla una libreta.)

A la solapa de la dreta hi ha muntat un imprès d'un himne que cantem, i una instrucció molt important sobre què fer en cas de dubte.

Sí, és veritat que es necessita una mica d'organització, però al final del dia veus que surt a compte, tant per la part visual i pràctica com per la de contingut i d'aprenentatge.

Aquí hi ha un link que he trobat molt útil per preparar les plantilles (a les webs en anglès heu de buscar la paraula "template(s)" o "lapbook recources"):

En el futur proper hi haurà més articles sobre lapbooks i altres coses que hem fet durant el temps que hem estat educant els fills a casa. El nostre petit ha d'incorporar-se a l'ESO el setembre que ve :(

Thursday, 2 May 2013

John Williams, guitarrist, arranger and composer

John Williams was born in 1941 in Melbourne, Australia. His family moved to Great Britain when he was eleven, where he has resided ever since. He graduated in piano and went on to create the guitar department of the Royal School of Music, in London. He subsequently ran it for two years. He has given concerts practically the whole world over and apparently has recorded the entire repertoire of music ever written for guitar.

When I was studying music at school we watched one of his performances and since then I have continued to enjoy listening to him play. Have a listen and see what you think...

Julio Sagreras - El Colibri by John Williams on Grooveshark

Oh, by the way,  "colibri" is the Spanish word for "humming-bird".