Monday, 21 April 2014

Munchy Monday #36: Rock buns

This is one of those recipes which has been passed down through the ages. My Mum used to make them, so did her Mum and most likely Great Grandma, too. The ingredients are simple and few and the quantities given will make 24 little buns (I usually make two batches because they don't last five minutes!)

You will need:
300 g self-raising flour (OR 300 g plain flour + 15 g baking powder)
100 g margarine
100 g sugar
100 g chocolate chips*
2 medium eggs, beaten
1/3 water or milk

Two 3 x 4 patty/cupcake tins, greased

Rub the margarine into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add sugar and chocolate chips and stir. Add beaten egg and enough water or milk to make a stiff batter.

A stiff batter - a spoon can stand in it
Spoon the batter into greased patty tins. Cook in a medium oven (170º C) for 20 minutes or until buns are slightly golden in colour. (Check after 15 minutes, as each oven cooks differently).

Chocolate chip and candied orange buns

Cherry and walnut buns
* As you can see, 100 g of just about anything that reasonably enters your head can be added to the recipe. The other day I made some with candied lemon and lime peel (new product from Lidl) and they disappeared in a moment. My Mum made them with raisins... I wonder if they would be nice with unsalted peanuts? Maybe add a small spoonful of creamy peanut butter? Hmmmm...


Annie said...

These can be cooked on a greased baking sheet, if the mixture is not too soft!

Danny said...

Omnomnomnomnom.Delicious! I think I could try this recipe before I get married! :)