Monday 11 February 2013

Munchy Monday #3: Meatballs and vegetables

Serves 8-10

You will need:

For the meatballs:

400g minced beef
400g minced pork
2 level tblsp. fine breadcrumbs (plus more to coat with)
2 level tblsp. dried parsley
1 portion frozen garlic, defrosted (or similar)
1 level tblsp. salt
A generous squirt of your usual tomato sauce

Mix all the above ingredients well, and make into balls. It should make about 40  meatballs. Coat with breadcrumbs.

For the sauce:

1 kg. packet mixed frozen veggies
1 - 1 1/2 ltrs. of meat or chicken stock, boiling
1 level tsp. paprika
Salt to taste
Oil to fry


Put enough oil in a big frying pan to half cover the bottom of the pan. Add meatballs and gently fry on all sides until golden. Add the veggies, still frozen, and stir for two minutes. Add most of stock to pan and stir. Add paprika and stir again.

Bring to boil then gently cook on a low heat for about 20 mins, stirring occasionally. After 10 mins. or so the sauce will begin to thicken a little, so you might have to add more stock or water so that it will not all stick on the pan. Add salt to taste.

Mandonguilles a la jardinera

8 - 10 racions

Es necesita:

Per les mandonguilles:

400g de carn picada de vedella.
400g de carn picada de porc.
2 cullerades soperes de pa ratllat.
2 cullerades soperes de julivert sec.
1 ració d'all congelat, ja descongelat (o similar).
1 cullerada sopera de sal fina.
Un bon raig de tomaquet fregit.

Es barregen tots aquests ingredients molt bé i de la massa se'n fa boles no massa grosses (dóna per a unes 40 mandonguilles); després es rebossen amb més pa ratllat.

Per la salsa:
1 kg d'ensaladilla congelada
1 - 1 1/2 litres de caldo de carn o pollastre,  ja bullint
1 cullerada de postres de pebre vermell
Oli per fregir


Es posa oli en una paella gran i es fregeixen les mandonguilles fins a daurar-les. S'afeigeixen les verdures, 1 litre de caldo i el pebre vermell, i es remena bé. Se li fa arrencar el bull i es deixa a foc lent uns 20 minuts, tot i remenant-lo de tant en tant. Es rectifica de sal.


LSEP said...

I like reading your blog. But I'd rather eat what's on it.

A.J. said...

Omnomnomnomnomnom! That is one way of making people eat veggies. :P