Monday 25 February 2013

Munchy Monday #5: Orange sponge cake

This is one of our family favourites, made normally for breakfast or afternoon snack. Very easy to prepare and gone in a matter of minutes.

You will need:

1 orange
250 g sugar
250 g self-raising flour ( or plain flour + 2 tsp. chemical raising agent )
3 medium eggs
100 ml  sunflower oil


Top and tail the orange. Discard top and tail! Cut the rest of the orange up into smallish pieces, add the  sugar and blend with a hand blender till smooth. Add all other ingredients and blend well. Pour batter into a greased cake tin ( 30cms by 20cms or similar ) and cook on 180ºC for 20 - 25 minutes.

Note: To make the cake a little special, when cooled you can dribble melted black chocolate over the top in a zig-zag pattern.

Bescuit de taronja

Es necessita:

1 taronja.
250 g sucre.
250 g farina.
2 cullerades de postre de llevat químic.
3 ous mitjans.
100 ml oli girasol.


Se'ls treu les dues puntes a la taronja i es talla la resta de la taronja a trossos petits. S'hi afeigeix el sucre i es trituren els dos ingredients amb una batedora elèctrica fins obtenir una crema espessa. S'hi afeigeix la resta dels ingredients i es barreja tot bé. S'aboca en un motlle de forn, previament engreixat, i es forneja uns 20 - 25 minuts a 180ºC.

Nota: Per fer més especial el pastís, un cop fred es pot decorar amb xocolata fosa.


LSEP said...

"Cake making is eeeeeeasy!! You just pour stuff in a bowl, mix it right, and pour it in a mould!" - "Now we have a cake to eat, and one we can keep forever!"

Annie said...

Lovely, made in my 'robot' :-)

LSEP said...

Hmm... I have some in the oven right now! See how it turns out. :)