Tuesday 4 February 2014

10 things to know about salt

1. Salt helps to maintain the fluid in our blood cells and is used in the transmission of information in our nerves and muscles.

2. Salt is essential in the prevention of sunstroke.

3. Salt helps your body digest food.

4. Salt stimulates the adrenal glands and keeps calcium and other minerals flowing in the bloodstream.

5. Add salt to fried, griddled or grilled meat just before serving. This prevents the meat from losing it's juices and will be more tender.

6. Adding salt to your curry dishes when you add the curry, enhances the flavour.

7. Add salt to pulses AFTER cooking. This prevents the skins from hardening and digestion will be easier.

8. Add salt to already boiling water and not before, as it will take longer to reach boiling point.

9. Mediterranean cooking needs salt. All cooking needs salt. Don't overdo it but don't underdo it either.

10. Avoid the use of table salt as this has too many additives. Using a good quality sea salt gives your cooking a professional taste and will add real minerals to your diet. 


Kath said...

Thanks for the tips, Lady Violet.
Sea salt is better.
Blessings :-)

Annie said...

Do you know how many different chemicals there are in sea salt?

Lady Violet said...

Dear Annie, please write and tell me...

Anonymous said...

Great post!

There are no chemicals in sea salt. Unrefined sea salt contains no additives or anti-caking agents. Spectral analysis of sea salt reveal high trace minerals of potassium, magnesium & bromides--all very good things that promote a healthy balance in the body. Himalayan salt is one of the purest, mineral rich options. you can read more about it here: http://www.seasalt.com/himalayan-salt.asp#.UvqIwmRDtBw

Lady Violet said...

Thanks, Anonymous, for this helpful information. I have to drink low mineral water for a calcium problem and it's good to know I still have a reasonable intake of K and Mg.