Wednesday 19 February 2014

How I do it: Fitting everything in

Basically, I manage to fit everything in because I know that the work has to be done and that it's my responsibility, as keeper of the home, to make sure it IS done. The secret is to make up my mind and look lively. I think of my husband and children before myself. I woudn't want them to live in a mess! Also, it gives me immense satisfaction to see a job well done - clean and tidy kitchen, squeaky clean bathrooms, neat sofa and living room, etc. This is definitely another motivation factor! It doesn't bother me if 10 minutes later it's all in a worse state than ever. This means that we live here : )

Not so many years ago I turned to the idea of organizing on paper - charts, lists and such. I got the idea from a homeschooling bloggy friend from down under who then had eight children under eleven (now nine under thirteen), a house and a farm, AND she finds time in her day to sew, knit and decorate for her family. There had to be something in it! It was actually a major breakthrough for me. Now I have a routine where each day I do a little of everything and yes, it all gets done : )

It also helps a great deal to be flexible. Flexibility is something I have never had a problem with. I don't mind the "drop and run" idea, it adds a little variety to life! For example, I might go out shopping with Hubby on a Tuesday morning and Tuesday's work I would do on Wednesday. Wednesday's work would then be passed over to Friday.

I have a cleaning and chores routine, a laundry routine and a weekday meals chart. On this same chart there is an extra "to do" list and at the bottom I have added a "to bake/make" list. There is also a space where I write down  what I  spend on food each week. This keeps me aware of the household economy and helps me to cut back where and when necessary.

Normally, the children help out at the weekends more and this gives me a little extra time to dedicate to more elaborate meals, gardening, extra laundry, personal Bible studies, etc.

I teach Catalonian, Spanish, primary school maths and English most evenings and therefore need time to prepare each lesson. I prepare my youngest son's English for school (year 7) and am now branching out into teaching the basics of piano and theory. I am also an English nanny for four hours a week to two little German treasures.

The children also have their routine jobs. The eldest boy now at home brings in the firewood every day from the woodshed, the youngest takes up the recycling rubbish - glass, plastics, paper, etc. and the normal rubbish. He also helps with the kitchen work. My daughter is responsible for cleaning the upstairs bathroom, kitchen work and taking/fetching the boys from school/college. They are responsible for their respective bedrooms and study areas. They are all at the stage now when they are there if I need them and are all capable of doing anything if and when I need them to do it. (More about chores for children at a later date.)

Friday evenings are generally reserved for taking it easy with the children, watching a film into the small hours and well, basically, chilling! Saturday I like to get everything up together and completed so that Sunday we can dedicate the day to the Lord and enjoy being all together. On Sunday afternoons we often take a country walk or visit friends or family.

Deep cleaning, decorating jobs and other big affairs are done during the summer when I have much more time to dedicate to these things. The days are longer, I don't teach, no school journeys...

An organized routine is the only way I can keep up with everything. I know exactly what I have to do and when. I don't have to waste time on thinking about what to do next or even whether the job needs to be done. It looks a lot but really it's all done in a jiffy.

Above all, I keep these two Bible verses at the forefront:

Ecclesiastes 9 : 10
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.

Colossians 3 : 23
Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord and not unto men;

1 comment:

Kath said...

Dear Lady Violet,
Please forgive me for just visiting... I have been away for a few days.

I really like this post, and find it inspiring. Blessings :-)

I have sent you an email!