Wednesday 8 January 2014

Our holiday - Part 1

A good few years ago we decided not to celebrate Christmas anymore. We live with the Bible as our handbook and there is no indication whatsoever that the Lord wants us to celebrate the day He was born.

This year we decided to take some time off and spend the whole week away, from the 23rd to the 28th of December. Hubby organized everything. It was a surprise for everyone. All we knew was that it would be cold, that we would be travelling about 3 hours, that we wouldn't be camping, and there wouldn't be much opportunity to buy food in huge quantities!

Our surprise destination was the beautiful, medieval village of Arnes, which is, in fact, the local word for bees. It is famous for its honey production, amongst other things. It lies between Tortosa and Beseit, at the base of the mountain ranges of Beseit, touching the national park. It has many old houses, stone constructions and a castle which dates back to the 13th century, built into the rocks.

Well, here are a few photos of the village:

One of the entrances to the village
The village
The castle (photo from Google images)
Home of the Town Council (photo from Google images)

Part 2 - Photos of the house where we stayed.

1 comment:

Mama to 12, so far said...

What a great way to vacation! I would love to go there one day.