Saturday 13 June 2015

Play dough

This week we made some play dough using the instructions from this video.

It's the best recipe I've ever done. The dough came out perfect but I will add that we had to juggle a little at the end with the water and the flour quantities.

If you have little ones who just want to manipulate, squidge, or at the most make a ball or a sausage, then you need to add a little more water to your dough. If you want a stiffer dough for modelling, I still found I needed to add a little more water but not quite so much.

I also found that, although the recipe is initially for four different colours, you can actually get five. The recipe calls for four cups of flour, but then you add one and a half cups of salt, mix and distribute between the four bowls. This leaves you with at least one more cup of mixture. We made purple.


Annie said...

'made' purple, I wonder why???? When P went to playgroup, they made all their dough this way.

A.J. said...

Hehehe, once more I ask myself who had more fun, if the little 'uns or you. :P