Tuesday 30 April 2013

My name is...50th post

This is my 50th post. To celebrate, I have decided to tell all my viewers what my real name is, but not in just any old way. I composed a riddle to make it more fun. Obviously, those of you who know me will just have to read the riddle, but I know there are plenty of other people who will have to think a little! So, here goes...

My first is in SEA and also in SHORE,
My second is in SOME and also in MORE.
My third is in FIESTA and also in FUN,
My fourth is in FIXED and can't be undone.
My fifth is in FINAL and we'll call it a day,
My name here is spelt the Mediterranean way!

Please write and I'll tell you if you guessed well ;)


Kirsty said...

Is it Sofia? I would be interested to know where your originally from in the UK and when you moved to Spain? Love Kirsty x

Raxigp said...

Vaja Sofia sí que t'ha quedat maca l'endivinalla!! Jo, per això, ho he endivinat abans d'acabar-la de llegir... jejee