Tuesday 9 April 2013

Spring bucket activities list

1. Catch taddies and watch them turn into frogs
2. Make at least two field trips
3. Plant veggie garden
4. Sketch spring countryside scenery
5. Learn Psalm 100
6. Make bubble blowing liquid and equipment and blow bubbles
7. Tie-dye t-shirts for summer
8. Take a long afternoon walk
9. Sort out spring/summer clothes
10. Take some friends for a picnic in a park
11. Make a Wordsworth/daffodils lapbook
12. Pick wild asparagus and make omelettes
13. Make bean bags and play games outside with them
14. Make a butterfly collage with magazine paper
15. Learn to play "Els ocells han arribat" on the recorder
16. Dip strawberries, cherries and other fruits in black chocolate and serve  them as a surprise dessert one weekend.

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