Tuesday 13 August 2013

Firagost, Valls

During the last days of July we decided that we would take our holidays, once again, from home. Here we are, neatly positioned between a beautiful, mountainous countryside and some of the best beaches with the highest iodine content in Europe - very good for one's respiratory system. People flock from the States, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Great Britain and Ireland, Australia, South America and the eastern countries to spend their holidays right here on our doorstep. We decided to appreciate the land in which we live.

Last Tuesday we visited Firagost in Valls. It was a very hot and humid day but we all had a great time. Here are some photos:

A honey stall
BIG bread
BIG goat cheeses
A flower stall
The beginnings of a mixed paella
Note the whole piglet
At 5.30 in the afternoon there was a lace-makers gathering and a little later, a horse and pony cavalcade, complete with traps in some cases. Here are a couple of photos showing my two favourite horses:

The fair went on until past midnight, but we came home around 8ish.

1 comment:

LSEP said...

V-v-v-v-vegetables, Pooh?