Friday 9 August 2013

What we've been up to

Well, as you may have realized, I took a small blogging holiday during the whole month of July. Here is an account of some of the things we got busy with:

# We harvested the potato crop


 # We made crumbles and jam from the apricots

# We went shopping for clothes in the sales in Tarragona
# We went up to Barcelona by train to buy fabric to make skirts, blouses and aprons

# We have been countless times to have supper down at the beach and play with our inflatable boat
# We had a friend to stay from Romania
# We celebrated my birthday and visited a bird of prey training centre (future post on this) and I received presents from near and far.

# We went to a concert given by the flute orchestra from the University of Nagoya, Japan
# We visited the outdoor market in Calafell, which was quite an experience, to be sure (future blog post on this, too)
# We have been freezing courgettes, beans and onions like there was no tomorrow


# We made a hot pan stand from clothes pegs (future post on this)

# We visited the newly weds at their home
# We took hubby's Mum for a look around IKEA and bought a few things for the home

# We have also been very busy deep cleaning and tidying up the house and garden, sorting things out, with plenty of reorganizing and throwing out
# I have also been working for 4 hours practically every afternoon as a nanny
# We have also been trying to keep up with some kind of homeschooling, finishing off projects and workbooks etc.
# We've also had many suppers outside
# Baking special chocolate cup cakes (no egg or dairy)

# We have also been getting up to date with all the more normal jobs around the house like cleaning, ironing, laundry, hair cuts, etc
# I have been playing the piano and reading
# Last but not least, we have been planning August, what to do and where to go.
I will be posting when I get the time.


Kirsty said...

Looks like you've been busy. Thank you for the photo. I will email soon. Tabitha is having a birthday party today so we are a little bit busy with preparations. Love Kirsty x

Mama to 12, so far said...

I would love the chocolate recipe.
Hey again.

Lady Violet said...
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Lady Violet said...

Hello, Christi
Great to have you comment on my blog:)
My daughter has the cup cake recipe but she is in Romania. I'll have to get back to you on that one, okays?!

A.J. said...

Mum! Do you still have the blue and yellow flowery cloth? Because I can't for the life of me find it in my boxes nor in my sewing stuff.

Does that cupcake apron still stand? Because I'd LOVE to have a cupcake apron! :P