Monday 24 March 2014

Munchy Monday #34: Green beans and bacon

This dish is nice to serve as a first course, an optional side dish or as a garnish to fish, meat, pie or practically anything else you can think of. The quantities stated here are for it to be served as a first course by itself for six people who like it very much!

You will need:
1 1/2 kilos of fresh or frozen green beans
120 g smokey bacon pieces
1/2 onion, grated
Water to boil
Oil to fry + big frying pan

Put to boil a pan of water. When ready, throw in the beans, bring back to the boil, add salt and cook until the beans are just tender. Drain and cool.
Meanwhile, gently fry the bacon until just turning crispy, add the grated onion and fry together with bacon for a further two minutes. Add the beans, sprinkle a little salt and stir well. Fry on a low heat for ten minutes or so, stirring often.


As for many dishes, this is much tastier if left a few hours before consuming, so I normally prepare this right after breakfast if we are to eat it for lunch.

1 comment:

LSEP said...

It's amazing how my boys like greens, and this is a favourite at home. :) The other day they gobbled down two packets of broad beans cooked the same way.