Tuesday 10 December 2013

Give it a missed call...

In our house at least, there is a phrase that we use maybe too regularly. It is usually said in answer to the question "Does anyone know where (whatever) is? The answer "No idea. Give it a missed call." is just too common! Obviously, it originally referred to a particular mobile phone, but now it's gone on to be the answer to "where is/are the car keys/computer/jacket/new packet of toilet rolls/slippers/matches/the children, etc."

This morning I wanted to start the hoovering but I couldn't find the stick brush. Of all things to lose. I mean, it's not small. So, after searching the house high and low for 10 minutes or more, I was on the verge of giving it the said missed call when I found it. It was where it should have been! In the right place! Of course, that is the LAST place anyone would think of looking for something...

Bessie, my best friend - Dyson DC 19

1 comment:

A.J. said...

Hahahaha! We always loose things when we put them in their right place. :P