Wednesday 20 March 2013

Gym lessons

I find it very important to get out and about, to enjoy the fresh air and "let off steam" while we are homeschooling. Although M. is out almost every afternoon, we do dedicate a couple of hours on a Wednesday morning to doing something a little more special. Sometimes we go for a long walk in the woods, sometimes we just work in the garden and sometimes, like today, it is a while of freedom at the beach. This morning we walked (or in M.'s case scooted) for four kilometres along the promenade of one of the local beaches. Well, as you can see from the following photos, it wasn't all scooter...

Monkey stuff!


Up the down...
Shells to pick up...
...and waves to watch.

It was a beautiful, warm, sunny morning. We had a very enjoyable time. It's just too bad that nobody else could join us.

1 comment:

A.J. said...

Ah, I would have loved to accompany you, I am sure! Too bad I have school on Wednesday mornings :P