Saturday 16 March 2013


This morning I was up early to take L. to the station. Then I came back to our village and I bought the bread and went on to another village to buy the meat that is on offer.

Then I came home, had another breakfast  with hubby this time and went on outside to work in the garden. I had to till the earth this morning and prepare it for planting. First I had to bring in the last of the lettuces and the red stalk chard.

Within the next few days I should be planting the potatoes. This year they are a different variety than last years load because the store did not have the one I was asking for. Last year I planted the Gerla, a good all-rounder. This year the man in the shop said that the variety Sifra, from the Netherlands, was a good quality spud with similar properties. Well...let's go for it.

Greens and reds!

Lunch menu:      1st course - Green beans, leek and potato chunks, boiled
                           2nd course - Bread crumbed chicken fillets
                           Dessert - Fresh fruit (and chocolate for some)

After lunch I had a much needed nap!

Now to cut up all the meat and freeze it. I will also put a cake in the oven to bake, put away the rest of the shopping, put a couple of laundry loads on to wash and hang, prepare a stock for soup at supper, feed the cat, fold up yesterdays laundry, prepare supper for ten...I have "miles to go before I sleep."

1 comment:

A.J. said...

Busy Mum ♥ I love your dedication and commitment to your Mamma's jobs! :D