Saturday 30 March 2013

Home organization - Part 1

To make sure things do not get forgotten in this chaotic house, I write a list of things I want to get done during the week. This gives me that extra bit of  "go" when I am at a loose end (I find it encouraging to be able to cross a particular job off a list!) and it also helps me to organize the housework. When Saturday comes and everything is crossed off, then I feel satisfied that I haven't been wasting my time.

The "to do" list goes on the same piece of paper as the "to bake" list, the weekly menu, a "notes" part for dentist appointments or visits from friends or family and a "spending" control.

This is one of the most important parts of our house organization.

 So, this weeks jobs were as follows:

+ Sort out sewing box
+ Over-sew grey skirt zip
+ Finish planting potatoes
+ Hoover and take up purple lounge carpet
+ Move, clean and organize kitchen school shelves
+ Clean cooker walls and extractor fan
+ Finish ironing pile
+ Deep clean and organize solarium

The "to bake" list was as follows:

+ Bread rolls
+ Fruit loaf
+ Rice pudding
+ Orange cinnamon biscuits

How do you readers organize your week? I would love to know.


Annie said...

I write menus and only buy what I need, this also helps when I come in from work I just go to the list.
I write lists of jobs at the beginning of school holidays and tick them off as I do them.

LSEP said...

I have a schedule with all the things I do at a daily basis. This way I make sure I don't forget anything and that I don't leave off doing things because I get caught up with other work.

That said, I am rarely able to keep it at all due to external circumstances I cannot control. :P