Monday 18 March 2013

Munchy Monday #6: Wild asparagus omelette

Wild asparagus

Serves 4

You will need:

A handful of wild asparagus, found in woodlands and hedgerows in the springtime ( we found about 25, maybe 30 )
4 lightly beaten eggs


To prepare the asparagus all you have to do is snap each one into pieces from the head down the stalk until they bend, usually between 10 to 15 cm. Discard what does not snap easily.

Place the pieces of asparagus in a small, non-stick frying pan and fry gently with a little sunflower oil, until the stalks have turned to a darker green and the plant feels tender and soft. Sprinkle with a little salt.

Add the beaten egg, also lightly salted, to the pan and stir a little. Make sure the asparagus is spread equally over the pan, cover and cook the egg very gently. When solid, flip the omelette and brown slightly on the other side.

This is what mine looked like!

I served this with a bowl of hot meat and vegetable soup with pasta, tomato bread and a plate of lettuce, fresh from the garden.

Our supper table. The blue plate is one of my recent birthday presents.

Thanks to my camera girlie for the last two photos. I took the top one.


LSEP said...

Holi Ma, those look nice. It's a pity you didn't save any for me. :(

A.J. said...

I tant divertit que va ser collir espàrrecs! We must do it again! :D Omnomnomnomnom.