Thursday 26 September 2013

Oh my, oh my (family)

My children are...well...very special.

At the weekend, whilst waiting for lunch to be served my son (23yrs.) saw a bird's head and beak on the white board. (It's actually an ice-cream magnet.) He added the rest of the bird.

Fine. No problem.

This morning I (23 x 2yrs.) remembered a haiku poem which I composed a couple of years ago. So as to not forget it again, I wrote it in a space on the whiteboard.

Fine. No problem.

I came back some minutes later to find that my daughter (23 - 3yrs.) had added her bit to the white board.

Fine? No problem? That is a matter of opinion!

I thought I would take a photo and publish the whole story so that you could see and maybe understand the psychological pressure and freakiness I have to live with! (Ignore the red snake at the bottom of the photo. It is part of another blog post, actually)

The original bird is in the middle, my fancy haiku on the left and... well... the rest needs no explanation.


A.J. said...

:D And you love it!!!

But hey, tant difícil és escriure 20 en comptes de 23-3??

Lady Violet said...
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LSEP said...

I can't say I pity you... :P