Monday 2 September 2013

The grape harvest / the mill at Vilardida

The grape harvest officially starts today. It is variable, each year is different and this year it is pretty late. Yesterday, during our walk, we were talking with a farmer and he explained that initially his crop was fifteen days ahead of schedule but the rains and hail at the beginning of July slowed things down a lot. He also told us that he had lost almost 30 % of his crop - rain in July means the grapes rot. It has been a very humid summer, too, which means the grapes have to be chemically sprayed more often to prevent mildew.

Black grapes
White grapes
The mill, between 700 and 800 years old
Three friends we met on the way - the farm dogs
Us having fun in the lane down to the mill
The farmer we met and spoke with was, in fact, the owner of the mill and all the land around as far as the eye could see!

1 comment:

A.J. said...

I les libèl·lules...! Mare meva, sí que n'hi havia...!