Saturday 7 September 2013

Our week

This week has been yet another busy week for us and, of course, we have had a very enjoyable time. Here is a recap with photos.

I weeded the beans (again) and planted more where they haven't come up. I also had to weed other patches in the garden like where the cabbages and lettuce are.

I harvested many tomatoes, tied and sprayed the plants (and weeded).

Enjoyed having cousin E. and family over. Hadn't seen them since the wedding.

Crafts in the kitchen with the girls
The boys playing cars together
We met Annia, a new pupil who will be coming to me once a week for help with her school lessons.

Hubby took M. to spend the day in Barcelona. They visited the history museum, the port and Rambla and, of course, the Lego shop and had a special Burger King lunch with big brother who works and lives in the city.

I cleaned up the turtles. Here is a photo of Orinoco. There are four more swimming about somewhere there in their lovely clean 'pond'.

Kayla came on Thursday to stay some days. The two girls went blackberry picking and brought home two ice-cream tubs full of sweet blackberries. There are more where they came from, it seems. Let's go for it, girls!!

Lots of tidying, cleaning, laundry, cooking and laughing. This time together is valuable as too soon the summer is over, hubby starts working a lot more and the children are back to school.

Work of two afternoons
How did we celebrate my lovely newly cleaned hob top? By making blackberry and apple jam!

To complete the week, on Saturday it poured with rain for most of the day. It hasn't rained since the end of May, so we were glad for this.

The view as we drank our morning tea
How it was for the rest of the day. Wet with misty mountains


Raxigp said...

Sí que heu tingut una bona setmana! I no havia plogut des de Maig? hauré de bufar alguns dels núvols Manresans, perquè aquí hem tingut pluja per donar i vendre!! :)

Kirsty said...

Really enjoyed seeing some home schooling photos. Your home looks lovely and bright. We have that very same IKEA car road mat!!! Love Kirsty x

A.J. said...

The two last pictures are lovely! It was a nice change, however wet. :P

Can't wait to try the jam!