Wednesday 2 July 2014

Final silkworm update

Yes, out of twenty silkworms, ten made it to the cocoon stage and six hatched from their cocoon. If I'm not wrong, we have five females and one male. We have a few grey/black eggs (which means they are fertile) and the rest were laid by females that were just hatched (and are most likely not fertile). These are the piles of pale yellow eggs that you see in the photograph.

So, now we have to wait till about the middle of April next year to see the eggs hatch and therefore complete the whole metamorphosis of the silkworm.

The first cocoon

A female moth


1 comment:

A.J. said...

Ooooh, this is the very first time that I see silk worm eggs! Ö Do you think they'll keep for so long?!