Tuesday 1 July 2014

Spring/summer visitors

Bee eater
Golden Oriole
Swallows, in the awning of our shed roof
If you are a regular reader of my blog you will have realized that I love birds. These are some of our more colourful spring/summer visitors, although we do hear the cuckoo in the valley below and greenfinch, polly wagtails, blackcaps and fly catchers are among the many which visit our garden. All of the photos are taken from Google Images except the last one which is courtesy of Dear Hubby!

1 comment:

A.J. said...

Ooooh, how I miss the sound of our beautiful birds! Over here in the city we only get sparrows and doves... AND seagulls! xD You would say it's weird, as we're 3 hours away from the coast, but yep... even in Ploiesti there are seagulls which live there all year round.